Tomis operating
The Multiplication
- Set the “Repeat key”
- Enter the multiplicand on the main keyboard – for example: 987’339
- Enter the multiplier, one digit after another, on the multiplication keyboard. After each digit, the keyboard shifts automatically one position at right, for example: 76549
- Press the “Multiplication bar”. Calculation begins and the partial results appear in the upper Register of the carriage.
- The final result is displayed (75’579’813’111) and the “Multiplication bar” is released.
Above the machine
Under the machine
The Division
- Push both levers (ADD/SUB, Division) completely at left
- Push the carriage completely at right
- Enter the Dividend by turning manually the knobs under the main upper Register, for example: 22
- Enter the Divisor, by pressing the appropriate keys just under the Dividend, for example: 7
- Press once the button starting the motor
- Calculation begins and the final result (3,142’857’142) is displayed on the bottom Register of the carriage. The remainder, if necessary, is displayed on the upper Register.